Extended pedigree for Green Gables DT Southern Taffy 2*P & Green Gables DT Moses *B
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Parents | Grandparents | G-Grandparents | GG-Grandparents | GGG-Grandparents | GGGG-Grandparents |
Mini Ranch BC Desert Thunder +B
Honey Moon Farm Bing Crosby
Honey Moon Farm Frank Sinatra |
Fairywood DA Twilight |
Fairywood CS D'Artagnan |
Flying Goat Cassanova *S |
Bamboo Acres BP Mariposa |
Desertwinds SN Desert Hibiscus |
Allred-Farms MG Hope |
Allred-Farms Moonrise |
Kastdemur's King of the Road *B |
Allred-Farms Blue Moon |
Allred-Farms Giselle |
Allred-Farms Moonrise |
Allred-Farms Geneva |
Honey Moon Farm Moonsong
Fairywood IM Ninja |
Big Enuf SI Image of the Moon |
Big Enuf AK Sharper Image |
GMF Dark of the Moon 2*D |
Paradise Jumping Jellybean
Lone Cottonwood PM Southern Bella
Red Lotus KD Pac-Man (Nigerian) |
Red Lotus TG Katamari Damacy |
MCH Everwood The Gambler |
Ponders End FR Panache |
MCH Twin Creeks WB Fanciful E |
Pecan Hollow GL Tsuru |
Goodwood SD Laredo *S |
CH/MCH Twin Creeks WB Meadowlark 3*D |
Red Lotus Toph Bei Fong |
Esperanza RF Daddy Warbucks *S |
Promisedland LD Royal Flush *S |
Esperanza WS Warbonnet *D *M |
Adobe Acres Annie Oakley |
Lost Valley Omega Red *S |
Copper Penny Mona Lisa |
Black Mesa Selenium (Nubian) |
SG Six M Galaxy Make a Big Splash +*B
Six M Galaxy Leonardo +*B |
SG Six-M-Galaxy Galileo +*B |
SG Six-M-Galaxy Red Sunrise 14*M, 88 VEEV, 2008 Elite Doe - 99%, '07 Top 10 Breed Leader in Milk & Protein Over 4000# in one year and 20# in one day!!! |
SG Six M Galaxy Isabelle Darlene 11*M 88 EVEV |
Six M Galaxy Desmond +*B, 87 VVE |
SG Six-M-Galaxy Galina Darlene 10*M, 90 EEEV, Elite Doe, 2003 Top Ten Breed Leader in Milk and Protein |
Black Mesa Sassy's Sarah Jane 3*M |
SG Lakeshore-Farms Mr. Bentley +*B |
SG Kastdemur's Final Justice ++*B, 90 EEE |
Lakeshore-Farms BMW 1*M, 90 VEEE |
Reuel Stella's RY Sassafras 2*M 12,260#'s lifetime milk!!! |
+*B Reuel Rufus' JJ Ryan |
Reuel Stacey’s AM Stella 1*M |
Wonderful Farm SG Royal Candy *P |
Pennyroyal Silver Galaxy
C&W Farm GNT Fidelity’s Curly |
*B Goldthwaite Navajo Trail |
Goldthwaite Navajo Red *B |
*B Goldthwaite Tied Up In Silver(90VEE) |
SGCH Goldthwaite Maya 7*M (13680# lifetime milk!) |
SG Goldthwaite Dolizi
9*M (LA 89/VE+E )
+*B SG Goldthwaite M M Andalusia |
SGCH Goldthwaite Jewellia 8*M (91 EVEE) |
Six M Galaxy Faith's Fidelity |
SG *B Six M Galaxy Tia's Lucky |
SG Six-M-Galaxy Galina Darlene 10*M, 90 EEEV, Elite Doe, 2003 Top Ten Breed Leader in Milk and Protein |
Six M Galaxy Sunnie's Faith 15*M |
SG +*B Six M Galaxy Onyx Obe (VVV88) |
SG Six M Galaxy Red Sunrise 14*M (VEEV 88 ) |
Pennyroyal Frida's Corazon (LA 89 VVEV)
Elk Brook RPF Rafferty |
Remuda R-Poker Face |
Lassenwood Pluto Linus |
GCH Remuda Sonset's Rapture 1*M (LA 5-03 90 VEEE) |
Elk Brook Bailey's Irish Cream (EX90 VEEE) |
Little Bic's Mystery Man (VG87) |
CH Elk Brook Sweet Berry Wine (EX91) |
SG Pennyroyal Frida 1*M (88 VEVV)2011 Nubian National Top Ten #4 in milk production, #1 in butterfat, #6 in protein |
*B Six M Galaxy Solomon |
Six M Galaxy Sirus's Remus *B |
SG Six M Galaxy Isabelle Darlene 11*M 88 EVEV |
Pennyroyal Grainne |
Pennyroyal Micah |
Pennyroyal Zipporah 1*M |
Wonderful Farm Sweet Treat |
The Bells Deckland |
Wonderful Farm Magic Man |
Sand-bur-Kids WM Mr Wizard |
Elmhaven Polled Mystery Wizard |
Sand-Bur-Kids SC Marissa |
Wonderful Farm Lisette (88VEVV) |
Longman's Mimi's Salutations |
SG SKWF Fleur de Lis (90EEEV) |
Wonderful Farm Beauty |
CH Stoney's End Supreme Rogue |
GCH 4B Smooth Dandy Supreme +B |
Cherry-Hill KEA Sally Callahan |
SKWF MSHB Beatrice |
Longman's Mimi's Salutations |
SKWF Honey Bee |
Paw Paw Nin Marshmallow Taffy
Anatolians Little Amber |
Ragels Ziegenhof Creamer |
Desert Willow Rock's Legolas *B |
SGCH Will-O'-The-Wisp Red Rock +B |
SG Jacob's-Pride YO Flasher |
Sunny-Haven Munchkin |
The Blue Thunder CanadianRebel |
Peak's-View Maple |
Parents | Grandparents | G-Grandparents | GG-Grandparents | GGG-Grandparents |