Green Gables MB Amazing Comet +*B |
5th generation - American1 VCH Leg |
Sire: VMCH Green Gables SS Moonbeam ++*B (4th gen AM) DOB: 2/10/14 Percentage: 53.12/46.88 (Nubian/Nigerian) Height: 28" (at 4 & 6 yrs old) G6S Normal by testing |
COMET is a buck that combines some of my favorite smaller lines and well attached udders. His dam Grace, is only 25" tall, but a good milker with a gorgeous udder that is tightly attached and easy to milk. On his sire's side, he has Trillium, who is also a smaller doe at just under 25 and also produces a lot of milk from a VERY tightly attached udder. Comet brings excellent breed character, length of bone and dairy character into one prettily marked package. He has an amazing topline, strong feet and legs with gorgeous angulation to his rear legs, and extreme of length of body and good body capacity. We retained his daughter, Lady Elegance and she freshened with a VERY correct udder that is very well put together with great attachments, shape, perfect teat placement and a smooth foreudder. We have one more daughter, Rapunzel and look forward to watching her mature!
Green Gables SOF Dreamer *B |
3rd generation - American |
Sire: VMCH Green Gables BF Spice of Freedom +*B (3rd gen) View extended pedigree here DOB: 4/10/19 Percentage: 60.53/39.47 (Nubian/Nigerian) Height: 27.5" at 2yrs old G6S Normal by parentage |
I did not intend to keep a buckling this year (2019), but when Luna had this boy... I couldn't help but keep him. His dam is a lovely doe who has held up beautifully with a super snugly attached udder even at 8yrs old. His full sister Lady has a LOVELY udder that is pretty close to perfect. Both Luna and Lady have long, well placed teats, a well defined, strong medial, smooth foreudder, high, wide rear udder and good capacity. Dreamer himself is WIDE, long and powerful with beautiful breed character.
Mini Ranch BC Desert Thunder +B |
2nd generation - Experimental |
Sire: Honey Moon Farm Bing Crosby (2nd gen) View extended pedigree here DOB: 2/24/16 Height: 30.5 at 5yrs old Percentage: 50/50 (Nubian/Nigerian) G6S Normal by testing |
THUNDER was purchased primarily because of his dam's amazing milk production. She is on the taller side of MiniNubians (29"), but she produces more milk than many larger full size Nubians peaking at almost 2 gallons in one day!!! Thunder has lots of milk on his sire's side as well. Add to all that milk good conformation with strong feet and legs, excellent length of body, width and good breed character for a 2nd gen and this boy is just about everything I could want in a herdsire. His dam has a nice udder with a strong medial, well placed and sized teats and amazing capacity. Her udder has some mastitis damage on one side, so is uneven in pictures, but you can still get an idea of how nice it was. Thunder's first daughters freshened in 2019 and they are AMAZING!
VMCH Green Gables BF Spice of Freedom +*B |
3rd generation - American
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VMCH Beloved Freedom +B (3rd gen) ss: Ramblers Fair Haired Boy (2nd gen) sd: Rainbow Hill Freckle (3rd gen.) Dam: Green Gables EHJ Lady Nutmeg 2*P (2nd gen.) ds: +*B Echo Hill's Jasper dd: Carey's White Cloud 1*P DOB: 4/1/11 G6S Normal by testing |
SPICE is a beautiful buck out of one of my favorite does, Nutmeg. Nutmeg's udder is soft and she is super easy to milk. She also has high butterfat so her milk is very rich and sweet. The first milk test of 2011, she gave 8.2#!!! That's over 1 gallon in a 24 hour period. VERY good for a doe that is only 25" tall and weighs barely 100#s. She also has a will to milk - we milked her through in 2012-2013 for a 18+ month lactation. Spice's dad is also from a line of milkers with great tasting milk. Spice has gorgeous breed character with LONG, wide, pendulous ears. His coloring is the icing on the cake with the red buckskin and MOONSPOTS. Spice matured to have wonderful conformation. He is long, deep, wide, good brisket, smooth blending, good rear leg angulation, nice strong topline, tight elbows, great breed character, good feet and legs. But best of all, he puts lovely udders on his daughters. His daughters have very nice udders with long, easy to milk teats, good attachments, excellent production. and he improves breed character and adds color. So far, he has given us 41 kids with most having beautiful breed character and lots of them with wild moonspots. We LOVE his kids. We have 5 of his daughters - Lady, Cami, Noni, Plain Jane, & Countess. You can see pictures of his daughter's udders on his page by clicking on his name or photo. |
Green Gables SOF Dash of Freedom *B |
4th generation - American1 VCH leg |
Sire: VMCH Green Gables BF Spice of Freedom +*B View extended pedigree here DOB: 2/20/13 Percentage: 57.41/42.60 (Nubian/Nigerian) Height: 26" at 5 years old G6S Normal by parentage & testing |
DASH is a lovely buck with gorgeous conformation - long, wide and deep with strong feet and legs. He has a lovely front end assembly with tight, sharp withers, a nice brisket and smooth blending. A great plus is that he has stayed very SMALL. He is only 26" at the withers while most of my mature bucks are a good 3+" taller. Dash's dam, Grace was also very small and has a lovely, tightly attached, correct udder with high butterfat milk. She has stood the test of time holding up very well still having excellent attachments and strong feet and legs at 9 years old. Dash's sire, Spice, has thrown some of my most correct udders and his daughters are excellent milkers. Dash is linebred on my first Echo Hill's buck who threw beautiful udders on his daughters. Dash's dam, Grace, and his paternal granddam, Nutmeg, are both sired by +*B Echo Hill's Jasper. As an added bonus, Dash also has moonspots. We have retained
Green Gables GS Remember the Battle +*B |
6th generation - PUREBRED |
Sire: VMCH Echo Hill's DO Goldstone ++B
(5th gen) DOB: 3/6/16 Percentage: 53.12/46.88 (Nubian/Nigerian) Height: 30" (at 3.5yrs old) G6S Normal by parentage |
***We bred Remmy back to his dam and retained a buckling from that breeding, so Remmy is now working in another herd in southern WI while his son, Cal, takes his place here*** REMMY looks to be the best buck I have ever bred. He is well deserving of being purebred. His dam, Cali is out of two of our best ever animals, Moonbeam and Sapphire. Her udder is the best I've ever bred and I cannot find a fault with it - high, wide rear udder, snug attachments with a nice medial, correctly placed and sized teats that are easy to milk, excellent capacity, smooth foreudder... She has the ideal udder. Remmy's sire, Goldstone, puts incredible breed character on his kids and lovely conformation. He also comes from great milkers. Remmy himself has gorgeous breed character and incredible conformation. His is long and wide, wide, WIDE throughout. We have retained several of Remmy's daughters and a son, Cal.
VMCH Echo Hill's DO Goldstone ++B |
5th generation - American |
Sire: Echo Hill's Dominator (5th gen AM) ss: Echo Hill's Cracker Jack sd: Echo Hill's Tiara's Ruby Red Dam: Echo Hill's Black Opal 2*P (4th gen AM) ds: Forget-Me-Not Octavian dd: FMCH Hidden Creek's Phoebe's Sweetie 1*P DOB: 6/01/12 G6S Normal by testing |
GOLDSTONE is our buck from Echo Hill's. He brings in some new lines as well as going back to a few that I have in my herd already. He has GORGEOUS breed character with super LOOOONG, wide ears. His dam is an excellent milker who easily earned her milk star as a first freshener. Opal is very easy to milk as well. His sire is an amazing buck who did great things in Dannette's herd. He is wildly moonspotted and puts beautiful bodies and toplines on his kids. Goldstone is a lovely blend of his two parents with his correct legs, long, deep body, lovely topline and stunning breed character. I have been very pleased with the kids Gold has thrown. He passes on his lovely conformation and greatly improves breed character.
VMCH Green Gables SS Moonbeam ++*B |
4th generation - American
Sire: +B Echo Hill's Shining Star
(4th gen) ss: FMCH Rainbow Meadow's Charlie Brown sd: Hidden Creek's Sierra Wind Dam: Green Gables USG Trillium 2*P (3rd gen.) ds: VMCH Echo Hill's Ulysses S. Grant +*B dd: Country Dreams Rosebud 1*P DOB: 3/27/10 |
Moonbeam has beautiful conformation and good breed character. His dam has a wonderful udder with nice long teats, and a super tightly attached udder. She also milks VERY well. MoonBeam also has a very nice personality and loves people. MoonBeam's kids are all VERY nice and we often see improvements over their dam. Moonbeam's daughters have freshened with BEAUTIFUL, socked on udders.. We have 2 of his daughters in our herd (Luna and Shadow). His dam continues to be an excellent milker and staying very small (24"). Moonbeam has proven to be one of our most consistent bucks. I just love this buck! |
Moonbeam and his brother |
Virtual Show Record 2014 - GRAND CHAMPION & 1st place aged buck - Ring 1 MDGA Summer V-Show 2014 - GRAND CHAMPION & 1st place aged buck - Ring 2 MDGA Summer V-Show 2011 - 2nd place yearling buck - Ring 1 MDGA Summer V-Show 2011 - 4th place yearling buck - Ring 2 MDGA Summer V-Show 2010 - GRAND CHAMPION MiniNubian Buck & 1st place Intermediate buckling - Ring 1 MDGA Summer V-Show 2010 - 4th place Intermediate buckling - Ring 2 MDGA Summer V-Show 2010 - 1st place buck under 6 mo. - DGI's virtual show (class of 9) (unofficial) |
Trillium's udder as a first-freshener |
4th generation ~ American Finished Virtual Champion |
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Sire: VMCH Echo Hill's Ulysses S. Grant
(4th gen) ss: Echo Hill's Lord Ulysses *B sd: Hidden Creek's Amber Glow *P Dam: VMCH Echo Hill's Molly O'Malley 2*P (3rd gen.) ds: Echo Hill's King Patrick O'Malley *B dd: FMCH Hidden Creek's Patches *P View extended pedigree here DOB: 3/22/09 Percentage: 53.12/46.88 (Nubian/Nigerian) Height: 30" G6S Normal by testing |
FREDDY is a beautiful buck out of the first two goats in the US to earn their finished virtual championship titles and he went on to earn his V-Championship as well. Freddy has long, wide ears that have continued to improve as he matures. He also has a very sweet, friendly personality. Freddy's dam was one of the nicest does in the herd who had one of the best udders I've ever seen on a MiniNubian. She gave a TON of milk. She easily earned her milk star in both milk and butterfat in 2009. Freddy has a very wide escutcheon and tons of width between the hocks which he passes on for lots of room for udders in his daughters. Check out his half sisters below. His daughter, Liberty is a very petite doe that produces a lot of milk for her size. Her udder has nice high, tight attachments (improved over her dam) and is VERY easy to milk (also improved over her dam). We look forward to seeing more Freddy kids in 2016.
VMCH Beloved Freedom +B |
3rd generation - AmericanFinished Virtual Champion |
Sire: Ramblers Fair Haired Boy (2nd gen)
ss: Almost Paradise Whit (1st gen) sd: Green Gables Lyn (4th gen AM) Dam: Rainbow Hill Freckles (3rd gen.) ds: Echo Hill's Saxon dd: Blue Moon Ranch Portia DOB: 3/16/10 |
FREEDOM is a BEAUTIFUL buck from Sally McDonnel's herd in OH. He has gorgeous conformation with very correct feet and legs, a looong body and very nice topline. His dam, Freckle, is a great milker. I don't have a good picture of her udder as it is uneven from nursing kids, but from my in person visit, I could see that besides that it was very nice with high attachments, nice teats and best of all, she produces great tasting milk. Freckles is a beautiful doe with lots of body capacity and lovely coloring - red buckskin with tons of moonspots. I really look forward to using Freedom in my herd. Thank you Sally for letting this wonderful buck come home with us! His son, Spice, has given us many gorgeous kids as well. Freedom's daughter in our herd is Ashley. | ||||
4th generation - American |
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+B Echo Hill's Shining Star (4th gen) ss: FMCH Rainbow Meadow's Charlie Brown sd: Hidden Creek's Sierra Wind Dam: Green Gables USG Trillium 2*P (3rd gen.) ds: VMCH Echo Hill's Ulysses S. Grant +*B dd: Country Dreams Rosebud *P G6S Normal by testing |
Sunny is a lovely buck out of Star. He has his sire's beautiful breed character and looooong body. Sunny's dam is a beautiful doe with lovely conformation and a gorgeous udder. Sunny is a very friendly little guy who loves people. Sunny passes on his lovely breed character and length of bone readily to his kids. We have only had one daughter freshen so far (Gloria), but her udder is well attached and VERY correct. | ||||
VMCH Green Gables USG Freedom Fighter +*B |
4th generation - American
Sire: VMCH Echo Hill's Ulysses S. Grant
+*B (4th gen) ss: Echo Hill's Lord Ulysses *B sd: Hidden Creek's Amber Glow 1*P Dam: VMCH Echo Hill's Molly O'Malley 2*P (3rd gen.) ds: Echo Hill's King Patrick O'Malley *B dd: FMCH Hidden Creek's Patches 1*P DOB: 3/22/09 G6S Normal by testing |
VMCH Echo Hill's Ulysses S. Grant +*B |
4th generation ~ American Finished Virtual Champion |
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Echo Hill's Lord Ulysses *B (3rd gen.) ss: Echo Hill's Lord Apollo (2nd gen.) sd: FMCH Hidden Creek's Diamond *P Dam: Hidden Creek's Amber Glow *P (3rd gen.) ds: Hidden Creek's Arkansaw dd: Hidden Creek's Fela DOB: 3/21/06 G6S Normal by testing |
I am thrilled to have this beautiful buck. He is black with gold trim and partial white belt. His conformation is excellent. He has very strong feet and legs with lots of width between the hocks. Grant has lots of body capacity with a wide chest. His topline is very strong with a level rump. His breed character is very nice also. Grant is the first ever finished virtual champion buck earning GCH under three different judges. Grant's dam is Hidden Creek's Amber Glow *P. Amber had a beautiful udder with lots of attachment in every direction and tons of capacity. Her teats were well placed and easy to milk. Amber had lots of body capacity and a very nice topline. Grant's sire's dam is FMCH Hidden Creek's Diamond *P - one of the best does at Echo Hill's. Grant's kids are beautiful! They have wonderful conformation and great personalities. Thank you Dannette for letting me buy another wonderful buck from you!!! |
+B Echo Hill's Shining Star |
4th generation - American |
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FCH Rainbow Farms Charlie Brown (3rd) ss: Hidden Creek's Mega Bits sd: Hidden Creek's Brownetta Dam: Hidden Creek's Sierra Wind (3rd gen.) ds: Hidden Creek's Arkansaw dd: Hidden Creek's Clackamas DOB: 4/26/06 |
STAR is a beautiful buck from Echo Hill's. He is a very long and dairy buck. Star has wonderful breed character with a nice roman nose and LONG, well shaped ears. Star's sire, FCH Rainbow Farms Charlie Brown, was the first finished champion MiniNubian buck in the country. He has been producing lots of really nice kids at Echo Hills. Star's dam, Hidden Creek's Sierra Wind, is an excellent milker with a beautiful udder and long, easy to milk teats. Sierra also has wonderfully long, wide ears and an extreme roman nose. Star's kids have been beautiful! They are all VERY long and dairy with ears much improved over their dams. |
+*B Echo Hill's Jasper |
3rd generation - American |
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Sire: Echo Hills Lord
Apollo (2nd gen.) ss: Hidden Creeks William F. Buckley sd: Echo Hills Lady Olivia *P Dam: Hackman Farms Easter Sunrise (3rd gen.) ds: Hidden Creek's Nino dd: FMCH Hidden Creek's Diamond *P DOB: 3/16/05 |
JASPER was a wonderful buck that added a lot to our herd. Our first buck from Echo Hill's, this little guy had a great personality and conformation and passed it all onto his kids. Jasper's dam, Hackman Farms Easter Sunrise , has had many show wins including 3X RsGCH, 1 X BUB and 1 X BUS. She has a level topline and her udder is very nice. Easter and her dam Diamond give lots of milk. Diamond has one of the best udders I have ever seen on a MiniNubian. Jasper's sire has awesome breed character and comes from a good milking line. Sadly, we lost Jasper at an early age - he was only 3 years old. He will live on in his gorgeous kids and grandkids. All of Jasper's kids have been beautiful! Their breed character is so much improved over their dams. They have all have very nice bodies with correct feet and legs. I am VERY pleased with how much Jasper has done.
Country Dreams Charlie Brown |
2nd generation |
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Sire: Morning-Glow Flax (3rd gen.) ss: Carey's Red Hot Papa (2nd) sd: Morning-Glow Brown Sugar (3rd) Dam: Careys Sweet Pea (1st gen.) ds: Carey's I Wanna Be A Millionaire (N) dd: Buttin' Heads Mont Olive (ND) DOB: 3/17/04 |
CHARLIE is a blonde buck who's coloring ranges from white to gold. He has good ears and a very roman nose. He has lots of width between the hocks and a high escutcheon. His front end is very nice as well. Charlie's dam, Carey's Sweet Pea, has a large udder with tons of capacity. He has lots of milk on his sire's side also. His paternal granddam was only 21.5" and gave 6#'s per day! Charlie's kids are beautiful! He really improved the ears and noses and gave them beautiful conformation with excellent legs. You can see many of his kids on the 2007 and 2006 kids pages. |
Three of Charlie's lovely daughters in our herd - Click on their pictures to see more about them. |
Green Gables EHJ Beethoven |
3rd generation ~ American |
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FOR SALE: $400 Sire:
+*B Echo Hill's Jasper (3rd gen) DOB: 3/6/08 |
Beethoven is a beautiful buck with good breed character and nice conformation. He has one of the widest chests I've seen in a MiniNubian and an overall excellent front end assembly. Beethoven is out of one of my all time favorite bucks, +*B Echo Hill's Jasper, and I plan on using him to do some linebreeding. Beethoven's dam has a beautiful, correct udder. Beethoven gave us several BEAUTIFUL kids in 2010. | ||||
Echo Hill's Lord Ulysses *B |
3rd generation - American |
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Sire: Echo Hill's Lord
Apollo (2nd) SS: Hidden Creek's William F. Buckley SD: Hackman Farms Lady Olivia *P (1st) Dam: FMCH Hidden Creek's Diamond *P (3rd) DS: Hidden Creeks Rebok (2nd) DD: Hidden Creek's Chicklet (2nd) |
ULYSSES was an awesome buck at Echo Hill's. He had BEAUTIFUL breed character. He was very long and well blended. He was extremely wide in the escutcheon area and level over the topline with a wide, flat rump set on very strong legs. Ulysses' dam is FMCH Hidden Creek's Diamond *P - one of the best does at Echo Hill's. His sire is Echo Hill's Lord Apollo. Apollo also had awesome breed character. Ulysses is the sire of our buck VMCH Echo Hill's Ulysses S. Grant +*B. I am thrilled to have the son of this beautiful buck. Photos courtesy of Dannette Hackman - Echo Hill's Farm. | ||||
Echo Hill's Lord Apollo |
2nd generation |
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Sire: Hidden Creek's William F. Buckley SS: Hidden Creek's P.S Mega Bits SD: Hidden Creek's Java Latte Dam: Hackman Farms Lady Olivia *P (1st) DS: Hidden Creek's Nino (2nd) DD: Primavera Who-Bla Antoinette (N) |
APOLLO had extreme Nubian breed character. He had super long ears and a very roman nose. He had lots of width between the hocks and strong legs. He had a nice wide chest too. His dam has won Champion Jr. Doe of Breed and Best of Show. She earned her milk star in 2004 with 4.7 lbs and 4.22% butterfat. Apollo is the sire of Jasper and the sire of Grant's sire, Ulysses (above). Photos courtesy of Dannette Hackman - Echo Hill's Farm. | ||||
Echo Hill's King Patrick O'Malley |
2nd generation |
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Sire: Hackman Farm's King David (3rd) SS: Hidden Creek's Nino (2nd) SD: Hidden Creek's Patches *P (2nd) Dam: Hackman Farms Lady Abigail *P (1st) DS: Hidden Creek's Nino (2nd) DD: Hidden Creek's Starletto (N) |
Patrick is another buck with awesome breed character. His sire is the son of FMCH Hidden Creek's Patches *P - a doe that has consistently produces champion stock. She has been 4X GCH, 1X BIS, 3X BUIB, 2X BUIS and 1X RCH. Patrick's dam is also a heavy milker - in 2004 when she earned her milk star she gave 6.6# with 5.01% butterfat. Patrick is the sire of our doe VMCH Echo Hill's Molly O'Malley 2*P. Photos courtesy of Dannette Hackman - Echo Hill's Farm. | |||
Rainbow Meadows Charlie Brown |
2nd generation |
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Sire: Hidden Creek's Mega Bits SS: SD: Dam: Hidden Creek's Brownetta DS: DD: |
CHARLIE is the first Finished Champion MiniNubian of either American or Experimental. He is also the first buck to enter the permanent 'American' herdbook. Charlie is a nice size, being only 25 inches tall. He throws kids with nice ears, udders and conformation. Charlie's son, +B Echo Hill's Shining Star, has made some beautiful contributions to out herd. Photo courtesy of Dannette Hackman - Echo Hill's Farm. | |
Star, our buck out of Charlie |
Heart's Delight Hershey |
2nd generation |
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Sire: Heart's Delight Ranger ds: Inavale Curious George dd: Heart's Delight Good as Gold Dam: Heart's Delight Mercy ss: Hayseed Farm's BW Kaptain Kid (ND) sd: Capri-Dot's Precious Viva-Hope (N) |
HERSHEY was a gorgeous chocolate buck who really got us started with the MiniNubians. Hershey sired many beautiful kids and really improved the breed character on them. Hershey comes from a line of goats with very soft, easy-to-milk udders. His daughters are good milkers and his grandkids are beautiful. Photos courtesy of Patricia Fountain - Heart's Delight Farm. | |||
Green Gables EHJ Eureka! *B |
3rd generation - American |
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Sire: Echo Hills Jasper
*B (3rd gen.) ss: Echo Hills Lord Apollo (2nd gen.) sd: Hackman Farms Easter Sunrise (3rd gen.) Dam: Country Dream's Rosebud 1*P (2nd gen) ds: Morning-Glow Flax (3rd gen.) dd: Carey's Sweet Pea (1st gen.) DOB: 6/5/06 |
Eureka was a real gold mine. He had super long ears and a very roman nose. His topline was very smooth and level although this picture doesn't show it. Eureka was gold with silver ears and muzzle with a broad white belt with gold spots in it. He looks a lot like his sire +*B Echo Hill's Jasper. Eureka was about 25 inches tall. Eureka's dam, Country Dream's Rosebud 1*P, is milking very well at about 6 lbs per day. Her udder is tightly attached in every direction and she has a beautiful rear and fore-udder. | |||
Heart's Delight Ranger |
2nd generation |
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Sire: Inavale Curious George (1st gen) ss: *B Royal Cedars Sugar Bear (N) sd: Goodwood Tambourine 2X GCH (ND) Dam: Heart's Delight Good as Gold (1st gen) ds: Hayseed Farm's BW Kaptin Kid (ND) dd: Capri-Dot's Precious Memory (N)
RANGER is black with gold trim. He is a second generation MiniNubian. Ranger has pendulous ears. He is the sire of Hershey. Ranger comes from a line of great milkers. His pedigree is awesome - he goes back to some outstanding goats such as ARMCH Goodwood Kauri Tree +*S E HES 91.3, ARMCH Goodwood Trillium *D AR1418 HES 92.8, and ARMCH Goodwood Kenya +S (three times in Rangers pedigree). Top photo courtesy of Kris Westbeld of Pine Pod farm, bottom photo courtesy of Pat Fountain, Heart's Delight. | |
Ranger as a kid |
Nigerian Dwarfs who have influenced our herd:
Karmic Acres PR Honey Pot |
Nigerian Dwarf |
Sire: Helderberg TB Pacific Rush View extended pedigree here DOB: 3/7/16 G6S Normal by parentage |
I have not used a Nigerian buck for YEARS, but when I saw this boys pedigree, I couldn't pass him up. This boy is LOADED with MILKY genetics. His pedigree is full of top ten milking Nigerians like SG ARMCH Rosasharn's Buckwheat Honey 3*D 'E', 3*M EEEE 91 who was top ten for MANY years as well as having a lifetime milk of 11,650# (dam's paternal granddam), Chenango-Hills Unique 5*D - Top 10 DHI & milked nearly a gallon in one day(!) (sire's maternal granddam and daughter of another top 10 doe), and SG Rosasharn P Haiku 4*D Top Ten DHI Breed Leader & ADGA ’10 National GCH & Best Udder (sire's paternal granddam and daughter of another top 10 doe). Honey Pot has lovely conformation and is always posing. We have retained two of his daughters for our herd (Honeysuckle and Bubbles). As much as I LOVE this buck and his pedigree, I have used him as much as I can in my herd, so must sell him... Asking $400. |
Honey Pot's relatives...
Green Gables Morgan |
Purebred Nigerian Dwarf |
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Sire: Humble Woods Little John ss: Piddlin Acres Ivanho sd: Kearns Korral's Sally Dam: Old Orchard Trinket ds: Old Orchard The One dd: Old Orchard Charm |
MORGAN was our first buck - the son of Trinket. He gave us many very nice kids both Nigerian and MiniNubian. Morgan was black with white and brown markings. He has made many beautiful contributions to our herd. On his fathers side there are several master champions. |
Green Gables Badger |
Purebred Nigerian Dwarf |
Sire: Green Gables Morgan ss: Humble Woods Little John sd: Old Orchard Trinket Dam: Old Orchard Trinket ds: Old Orchard The One dd: Old Orchard Charm |
BADGER was black with white and brown moonspots. He has been one of the most influential Nigerian Dwarf bucks in our herd. He has given us some very colorful kids. His kids are very good milkers. Unfortunately I do not have any pictures of him, but you can see his daughter who had the most influence on our MiniNubian herd below: Green Gables Stormy Night (Dam of Hail Storm, who is Ivory's dam)
Mini Nubian Dairy Goats Wisconsin