Green Gables MiniNubians - Breeding Quality MiniNubians since 1999

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Green Gables O7F Maggie's Mini Me
3rd generation - American
  Sire: Opus 7 Farm MK Elvis
ss: Opus 7 Farm CJ Korsakov
sd: ​Urban Acres HWT Sweet Memphis *P AR*D
Dam: Green Gables GS Magma 5*P
ds:+B Echo Hill's DO Goldstone
dd: Green Gables Cali Luna 4*P

Click here for extended pedigree

DOB: 3/17/22

Percentage: 54.08/45.92% (Nubian/Nigerian)


G6S Normal by Parentage

Mini has her dam's "WOW" presence about her. This is another breeding that I was hoping for a doeling from. Maggie is one of our best does and we bred her to our new buck with phenomenal udders and quality animals behind him. Mini looks a TON like her dam. Mini is very balanced with a good blend of  strength and dairiness, a level topline, & good body capacity. Mini's FF udder has a excellent rear udder height and width with great attachments. Her teats are a good size, but too far to the sides of her udder for my preference. She is giving a good amount of milk for a first freshener.

First freshening udder. Last picture is milked out.

Maggie's udder

Virtual Show Record

Dam's udder


 Sire, 'Denver'


Memphis, Denver's dam

First freshening:

Memphis 2nd freshening:

Korsakov, Denver's sire

Dam, Maggie

Maggie's dam, Cali

Maggie's sire, Goldstone

Pictures of Mini...

As a baby:


Dry yearling photos:

Mini Nubian Dairy Goats Wisconsin

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