Green Gables CF G.I. Joe *B |
2nd generation - Experimental |
Sire: Kessel Run JJ Conquering Flame *B *S View extended pedigree here DOB: 3/22/23 Percentage: 53.95/46.05 Height: G6S Normal by parentage |
I originally did not plan on keeping Joe, but when I had to make some cuts to the doe herd and decided to sell his dam, I kept him to add more of her blood to our herd. Both of his parents are very hardy, & parasite resistant, with great feet and legs. His dam has a super snugly attached udder with good production. His sire comes from very heavy milk lines with great udders behind him as well. Joe has 2/3rd drop ears, but I feel he brings enough other good traits to use him on a few select does. He will be bred to Eclipse this year.
Pictures of Gi Joe:
Pasture pics as a yearling
Mini Nubian Dairy Goats Wisconsin