Green Gables MiniNubians - Breeding Quality MiniNubians since 1999


Green Gables CF G.I. Joe *B
2nd generation - Experimental

Sire: Kessel Run JJ Conquering Flame *B *S
ss: VCH Mistwood LJJ Jacobs Java
sd: Otter Grove M Mazee *M
Dam: Skillmans Andromeda *P
ds: Skillman's Twilight After Sunset *S *B
dd: Skillman's Star AR 4*D

View extended pedigree here

DOB: 3/22/23

Percentage: 53.95/46.05


G6S Normal by parentage

I originally did not plan on keeping Joe, but when I had to make some cuts to the doe herd and decided to sell his dam, I kept him to add more of her blood to our herd. Both of his parents are very hardy, & parasite resistant, with great feet and legs. His dam has a super snugly attached udder with good production. His sire comes from very heavy milk lines with great udders behind him as well. Joe has 2/3rd drop ears, but I feel he brings enough other good traits to use him on a few select does. He will be bred to Eclipse this year.

Dam's udder

Virtual Show Record

Paternal granddam's Udder


Joe's sire, Flame

Flame's phenomenal dam, Genesis

Flame's sire, Java

MiniNubian buck

Mazee, Java's dam


Missy's dam, Meda


Meda's dam, Milky Way

Meda's sire, Sunny:

Sunny's sire, SG Old Mountain Farm Elton Jay ++*B

This guy has so many accolades, it is hard to keep up! So many phenomenal Nigerian daughters. We are so blessed to have his offspring in the MiniNubian breed!


Pictures of Gi Joe:

Pasture pics as a yearling


Mini Nubian Dairy Goats Wisconsin