Green Gables MiniNubians - Breeding Quality MiniNubians since 1999

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Cal's Kids


5th gen QUADS - Green Gables DOF Hershey's KissesGreen Gables Cali's Grand Finale *B
Eskimo Kiss - retained doeling
Mini Nubian doe

Butterfly Kiss - doeling

Kiss-My-Nose - doeling

Bear Hug - buckling

5th gen triplets - Green Gables SOF Countess x Green Gables Cali's Grand Finale *B
The Little Countess

The Last Count

The Little Count

5th generation triplets - Green Gables AC Rapunzel 3*P x Green Gables Cali's Grand Finale *B

Lil Red Riding Hood - doeling

Great White Buffalo - buckling

Robin Hood - buckling

3rd gen triplets - Skillman's Andromeda *P x Green Gables Cali's Grand Finale *B
Lil' Swiss Boy -  buckling
Lil' Swiss Girl - Doeling

Swiss Miss - retained doeling


4th gen twin doelings - Green Gables DT Southern Taffy 2*P x Green Gables Cali's Grand Finale *B
Starburst - doeling

 Swan Song - retained doeling

4th gen triplet doelings - Green Gables FF Hope of Liberty 3*P x Green Gables Cali's Grand Finale *B



5th generation single doeling - Green Gables AC Rapunzel 3*P x Green Gables Cali's Grand Finale *B

Cinderella - doeling


4th gen triplets - Green Gables DT Desert Snow Storm x Green Gables Cali's Grand Finale *B

Final Blizzard - retained doeling

Final Snowstorm

Final Storm - buckling

4th gen twin doelings - Green Gables DT Southern Belle 4*P x Green Gables Cali's Grand Finale *B
Belle of the Ball

She's a Peach - Retained

Last Dance - buckling

Mini Nubian Dairy Goats Wisconsin

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